Rex Altree and his wife established a family owned auto glass replacement and repair business in 1998. Mr. Altree’s business background and his ability have allowed him to put the right people in the right job throughout the company. Mr. Altree knows all too well that is only part of the reason for his success. Another component of the success equation is customer service.
Taking care of the customers goes a long way, it will ensure customer satisfaction and a happy customer is often a customer that returns as a repeat customer for NewImage. Customers who come back to the same place of business often bring others with them. Customer service is not just about providing a service to get the job done, but to make the customer feel at home and safe in the knowledge taht their needs are being met. Sometimes, finding the right solution is not always easy, and those with the “can do” attitude will not only impress a customer, but leave the door open for a future return visit to take care of their Auto Glass needs.
Meeting and greeting customers whether they walk in the door, call on the phone, or respond by an email, is the very first contact with NewImage Auto Glass; and the first impression the customer has of the company. Rex Altree and his team focus on projecting an image of hospitality with a strong dose of professionalism while treating customers as if they were part of their own family. It may seem like a small thing to be courteous and welcoming, but it’s the small things that add up to be the large and important things, and an effective method to keep customers happy and wanting to return to NewImage, LLC..
Part of staying the “best” is keeping an open line of communication. If the repair or replacement will be delayed for even 15 minutes, a quick call to the customer may protect them from an unnecessary or premature trip to pick up their vehicle. Needless time out of their day may not seem like a big deal to most people, but to NewImage Auto Glass, saving the customer a few minutes of time may be just the action to make their day. If it turns out to be the one thing that breaks their day, they will remember the courtesy rather than a few minutes of inconvenience. The team at NewImage always keeps the needs of the customer on the forefront, and communication is an absolute key for treating the customer with the respect they are entitled.
NewImage Auto Glass is the visionary recipient of Rex Altree and his work ethic. He demands the best from his team, and knows the team will give the best experience to NewImage Auto Glass customers. There is no question in the minds of the customers that they are treated with respect, courtesy and professionalism at the highest level. Rex Altree, an Az businessman, has established the industry benchmark, making him, and NewImage Auto Glass, a different kind of business leader.
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